Templating Techniques for Scenarios

Handle data like a pro 🧙‍♂️

Turn off smart field inputs to use the following techniques

Escaping special characters


// if {{name}} is 'aaaa"aaaa', this operator will add 
// a backslash before each special character for escaping them.
// The result of templating will be: 'aaaa\"aaaa'

Removing line breaks

{{#stripNewLine}‌}this new

// operator removes line breaks
// result of templating will be: 'this new line'

Escaping line breaks (useful for JSONs)

This operator escapes \n (line breaks). Thanks to that a multiline JSON can be sent in the http-request body as follows:

//{{json}} is a field value with multiline json

//body of the http-request:

Replace "'

{{#replaceDoubleQuotes}}hello "there'{{/replaceDoubleQuotes}}

// result hello 'there'

Encode URI

Executes encodeUriComponent() for the string

{{#encodeURIComponent}}Mr. John Smith{{/encodeURIComponent}}

// result: Mr.%20John%20Smith

Decode URI

Decodes the string encoded by encodeURIComponent


// result: Mr. John Smith

Convert to JS-multiline

Useful feature for applying regex.


//Regex example (pay attention – no quotes ""):


// result: test\ntest

Escape JSON

{{#escapeJson}}He didn't say, "Stop!"{{/escapeJson}}

// result: He didn't say, \"Stop!\"

Formatting date

Hint: You may also use moment().format()

{{#formatDate|dd MMMM, Y}}{{date}}{{/formatDate|dd MMMM, Y}}

// {{date}} == 2020-04-27T12:31:19.000Z
// result of templating will be: 27 April, 2020

Learn more about date/time formats.

Handling boolean properties

// shows if is_vip == true

// shows if is_vip == false
{{^is_vip}}not vip{{/is_vip}}

Nesting arrays of linked objects

If a property has arrayLink type, we can nest its objects as follows:

// {{books_ids}} — field type of arrayLink
// {{title}} and {{year}} — the fields of linked objects

    – {{title}}, {{year}}

// If such {{books_ids}} contains, for example, three links,
// such a construction will result as follows:
// – Life of Samuel Johnson, 1791
// - Crime and Punishment, 1866
// - The Sun Also Rises, 1927

Handling arrays

// We can template the Array field, iterationg its elements:

    - {{.}}

// if {{arr}} == a,b,c
// result of templating will be: 
// - a
// - b
// - c

Also, we can avoid empty elements of an array:

  - {{.}}

// {{musketeers}} == "Athos", "Aramis", "", "D'Artagnan"
// result of templating will be: 
// - Athos
// - Aramis
// - D'Artagnan

Check the tips for advanced working with Arrays.

Handling JSON

JSON templating

Let's a property has json-type, and equals to:

// {{book-json}} is a json-type field:
  "title":"The Wealth of Nations",
  "year": 1776,
  "autor: {

We can address to its properties as follows:

{{book-json.title}} == The Wealth of Nations
{{book-json.is_classic}} == true
{{book-json.autor.first_name}} == Adam

Remember, that if JSON contains array of objects, you have to apply JS SDK methods (here it is an instruction).

JSON as a JS object

Also, you can apply JS for parsing JSON, handle it as a js-object (don't forget to turn on JS-evaluating)

// or
// or

Lodash for JSON parsing


Using now, today, +/– days

For using this feature you have to turn on Evaluate as a JS-expression

now == current date and time
today == current date, time 00:00
now -1 days == yesterday
today +N days == N days after today
now +10 minutes +15 seconds == 10 minutes and 15 seconds after the current moment

Using Lodash

You can apply Lodash in expressions. Lodash is a modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.

// some examples:
_.defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 3, 'b': 2 });
// → { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }
_.partition([1, 2, 3, 4], n => n % 2);
// → [[1, 3], [2, 4]]
_.difference([2, 1], [2, 3]);
// => [1]

Last updated

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