How we count requests and operations

Let's figure that out 🧐

App Dashboard

You can see the detailed statistics on the consumption on the app's dashboard:

You can see the stats on each endpoint/scenario


Each time when your API-endpoint is requested for reading, the counter adds 1 request.

If you specify parameter pageSize = N (by default N = 30), the counter adds N/30 requests. For example, if you request 300 objects via a GET-request, you'll spend 10 requests from the limit.

Note that each field render for link/arrayLink consumes GET-requests.


Each time when your API-endpoint or Webhook is requested for writing, the counter adds 1 request.


Each time when you call third party API from scenarios using HTTP-request step or plugin, the counter adds 1 request.

Regular processing operations

Each object processed (each scenario logs line) in a scenario step adds 1 to the counter.

There are also coefficients for processing steps based on their complexity and resource consumption. Every processing-intense step is marked with the 🔥emoji and the coefficient numbers.

  • JavaScript SDK operations taking longer than 0.5 seconds. Coeff = time / 0.5;

  • HTTP requests running longer than 3 seconds. Coeff = time / 3;

  • Operations involving heavy context greater than 1kb. Coeff = Context size / 1kb;

  • Operations involving heavy object size greater than 64kb. Coeff = Object size / 64kb.

Sync processing operations

Each object processed in a sync scenario step adds 1 to the counter.

The sync scenario processing is a resource-heavy operation. Thus the following multiplier was introduced:

  • Synchronous scripts (the whole scenario peocessing time) that run over 5 seconds. Coeff = time / 5.

Example: The scenario runs synchronically 12 seconds. The number of steps passed by the object is 10. The final operations from the limit = 24

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