Internal $D Methods

Basic functions

$D.eval() or $D.getValueFromTemplate() Getting the field value of the current object

$D.getValueFromTemplate = function(fieldName[string])
// the same but shorter:
$D.eval = function(fieldName[string])

// examples 
var name = $D.getValueFromTemplate("{{name}}")  // name == Ivan

// you also can get values from linked objects 
var phone = $D.getValueFromTemplate("{{}}") // phone == 79141230000

// tip: for getting data from arrayLinks use $

$ Getting an object from a different structure

$ = function(structName[string], objectID[string], fields[object])

// example 
var object = $"WebUser", "7967", {fields: ["phone", "role"]});
// object == { role: "candidate,admin", phone: "79670190000", id: "7967" }

$ Saving an object

$ = function(structName[string], obj[object], createEvent[boolean])

// example
var ID = "10341" 
$"WebUser", {"id": ID, "stringF": "Changed string value" }, true)

// note that if createEvent == false, no event will be created, 
// so the scenarios will not trigger

$ Searching for objects

filters (the second argument) syntax is the same for API-filtering raw mode

Result is an array of objects.

var filters = [{
    "exp": "<=",
    "field": "x",
    "value": "10",
    "isExp": false

$'SystemMessage', filters, 
    "fields": ["id", "isError", "msg", "type", "userID"]

$D.console.log() Console logging

$D.console.log = function(string)

// example
$D.console.log('a = ' + a)

Dealing with context variables

$D.context.set("test", "value111")

Additional functions

$ Saving files to the internal file storage

This function downloads and saves files to the File storage.

$[string]) = function(string)

// example
var fileUrl = $"")
// fileUrl == ""

$D.fs.saveText() Saving text to file

Function returns link to the file in Dirctual storage

$D.fs.saveText(text[string], format[string]) = function(string, string)
//$D.fs.saveText('<html><body>test</body></html>', 'html')
//$D.fs.saveText('hello \n world', 'txt')
//$D.fs.saveText('1;2;3', 'csv')

$D.image.resize() Resizing images

This function resizes images and saves the result to the File storage

$D.image.resize(fileUrl[string], params) = function(string)

//params is a json object like {"width": 100}, {"scale": .3}, or {"height": 130}
var resizedImageUrl = $D.image.resize("", {"width": 100})

$D.concat() Adding an element into array while avoiding duplication

$D.concat = function(string, string)
// arrays in Directual are strings, comma separated

$D.concat('{{array}}', 'new element')
// or
$D.concat('{{array}}', '{{other_field}}')
// even or
$D.concat('{{array}}', '{{other_field_1}},{{other_field_2}}')
// e.g.
// $D.concat('', '3') returns 3
// $D.concat('1,2', '1,2,3') returns 1,2,3
// $D.concat('1,2,3', '3,4') returns 1,2,3,4
// $D.concat('1,2,3', '3') returns 1,2,3

$D.splice() Removing elements from an array

$D.splice = function(string, string)
// arrays in Directual are strings, comma separated

$D.splice('{{array}}', 'removed element')
// or
$D.splice('{{array}}', '{{other_field}}')
// even or
$D.splice('{{array}}', '{{other_field_1}},{{other_field_2}}')
// e.g.
// $D.splice('', '3') returns ''
// $D.splice('1,2', '1,2,3') returns 3
// $D.splice('1,2,3', '3,4') returns 1,2
// $D.splice('1,2,3', '3') returns 1,2

$D.hash.md5(), $D.hash.bcrypt(), $D.hash.sha256()


$D.hash.md5('hello world')
// returns 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3

$D.hash.bcrypt('hello world')
// returns $2a$10$H.NnoiFyqDicSv8ufvW9iutzoHvLs0MsXWQk0ZVRhUcj9Mpgv.0/.

$D.hash.sha256('hello world')
// returns b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9

You can select the encryption method for user passwords in the API security settings.

$D.arrayContainsAny() Checking if an array contains at least one element

$D.arrayContainsAny = function(string, string)

$D.arrayContainsAny("1,2,3","3,4") // returns true
$D.arrayContainsAny("1,2,3","4,5") // returns false

$D.arrayContainsAll() Checking if an array contains all elements

$D.arrayContainsAll = function(string, string)

$D.arrayContainsAll("1,2,3","3,4") // returns false
$D.arrayContainsAll("1,2,3","2,3") // returns true

$D.json.fromXML() Converting XML to JSON


// often there is a need to use the following templating features:

JWT Methods


If the 'expiration' (exp field) is undefined, set the current timestamp in seconds based on UTC time.

 //example code
DirectualEngine.addEventListener(AppEvents.START, function(context){
 var secret = $D.eval("{{secret}}") // get RS256 secret key
 var token = {
    "data": "",
    "exp": 1628690000,
    "iat": 1628686000
 return $D.jwt.encode(token, secret, "RS256");
      "sub": "Directual",
      "iat": 1516239022
  }, "dTkJvdM0DroUP43X1faVKydVT6FpAUlaqur+y+r14mo=", "HS256")
      "sub": "Directual",
      "iat": 1516239022,
      "data": {"email":"test"}
  }, "dTkJvdM0DroUP43X1faVKydVT6FpAUlaqur+y+r14mo=", "HS256")


If the expiration date is earlier than the current time, this function will throw an exception.

var decodeResutl = $D.jwt.decode(payload, secret, "HS256")


Last updated

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