$D.eval() or $D.getValueFromTemplate() Getting the field value of the current object
$D.getValueFromTemplate = function(fieldName[string])
// the same but shorter:
$D.eval = function(fieldName[string])
// examples
var name = $D.getValueFromTemplate("{{name}}") // name == Ivan
// you also can get values from linked objects
var phone = $D.getValueFromTemplate("{{author_id.phone}}") // phone == 79141230000
// tip: for getting data from arrayLinks use $D.store.get()
$D.store.get() Getting an object from a different structure
$D.store.save = function(structName[string], obj[object], createEvent[boolean])
// example
var ID = "10341"
$D.store.save("WebUser", {"id": ID, "stringF": "Changed string value" }, true)
// note that if createEvent == false, no event will be created,
// so the scenarios will not trigger
This function resizes images and saves the result to the File storage
$D.image.resize(fileUrl[string], params) = function(string)
//params is a json object like {"width": 100}, {"scale": .3}, or {"height": 130}
var resizedImageUrl = $D.image.resize("https://booble.com/files/logo.png", {"width": 100})
$D.concat() Adding an element into array while avoiding duplication
$D.concat = function(string, string)
// arrays in Directual are strings, comma separated
$D.concat('{{array}}', 'new element')
// or
$D.concat('{{array}}', '{{other_field}}')
// even or
$D.concat('{{array}}', '{{other_field_1}},{{other_field_2}}')
// e.g.
// $D.concat('', '3') returns 3
// $D.concat('1,2', '1,2,3') returns 1,2,3
// $D.concat('1,2,3', '3,4') returns 1,2,3,4
// $D.concat('1,2,3', '3') returns 1,2,3
$D.splice() Removing elements from an array
$D.splice = function(string, string)
// arrays in Directual are strings, comma separated
$D.splice('{{array}}', 'removed element')
// or
$D.splice('{{array}}', '{{other_field}}')
// even or
$D.splice('{{array}}', '{{other_field_1}},{{other_field_2}}')
// e.g.
// $D.splice('', '3') returns ''
// $D.splice('1,2', '1,2,3') returns 3
// $D.splice('1,2,3', '3,4') returns 1,2
// $D.splice('1,2,3', '3') returns 1,2
// often there is a need to use the following templating features:
JWT Methods
If the 'expiration' (exp field) is undefined, set the current timestamp in seconds based on UTC time.