Data Structures

This is the fundamental part of any app 🏰

Data structures are a database for your app.

Objects from data structures:

By default, the following object properties exist:

  • ID. This is a unique key to the object. If you change the ID, a new object will be created

  • Who. Who changed/created an object. Can't be changed from UI, API, or scenario

  • dateCreated. The date and time when the object was created. Can't be changed from UI, API, or scenario

  • dateChanged. The date and time when the object was changed. Can't be changed from UI, API, or scenario

The maximum ID length is 36 characters!

You can add custom fields (properties) and groups for your data structure. Each field has to be a type from the list.

Structure visible name

You can set up a visible name of a structure by configuring the fields. The name will be displayed in the objects near links to that structure, in cards, and in selections form.

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