Weather Forecast App

App Idea

Create a form that provides users with access to real-time weather data for a specific city. The app leverages a plugin to establish a connection with OpenWeatherMap.


Development Process

Step 1: Connecting Plugin

Go to the Plugins page and install the Open Weather plugin (follow the provided instructions).

Step 2: Configure Data Structure

In the database section, create a new data structure with the following fields:

Step 3: Configure API Endpoint

Create an Endpoint in the API Section with the Following Settings:

Step 4: Build Scenario

Create the following scenario:

Settings for the Start step:

Note that we leave the trigger settings blank ("Run scenario by") because we intend to run the scenario synchronously.

Settings for the Plugin step:

Settings for the Edit object:

Don't forget to Publish and to Run the scenario!

Step 5: Add Scenario to Endpoint with "Calling Synchronously" Setting

Go to the endpoint and configure the following parameters:

Step 5: Create and Configure Web Form

Go to the Web-pages section, create a new page, add a Form component. Configure the form Settings as follows:


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